- FAQs/
Why Is There a Dress Code?

Nearly all sports have standard uniforms and archery is no different. The intent of the USA Archery dress code is to ensure that all athletes are dressed appropriately and safely. Here is the official USA Archery Dress Code Policy as of July, 2022. This policy applies to athletes and coaches at all USA Archery sanctioned events including our local club pin shoots.
- Must present a professional, athletic appearance while on the field. (torn, ripped, or heavily soiled clothing articles are not allowed.).
- Shorts, skorts, and skirts must be professional in appearance and length.
- Camouflage clothing is only disallowed for broadcast/live streamed medal matches at national events and after the first cut at U.S. Team Trials Events.
- Denim is allowed, but must not be torn, ripped or have holes. See Appendix A.
- Leggings (tight fitting/yoga-type stretch pants) are allowed but must not be transparent/translucent above the knee.
- Upper garments must cover the front and back of the body, and the midriff when at full draw. They must also have sleeves.
- Shoes must cover the entire foot unless pre-approved by USAA due to an injury or disability. Sport/athletic shoes are recommended.
- At no time will any article that bears wording, insignias, innuendo or images determined by USAA to be offensive or inappropriate be allowed on the field of play.
For additional details, including some photos to clarify the “torn denim” rule, please see the official USA Archery dress code document.